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Daimones (2012)

by Massimo Marino(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
Daimones Trilogy
review 1: Questi credo che siano gli aggettivi che meglio caratterizzano il lavoro di Massimo Marino, autore italo-americano di successo. Il tema post-apocalittico ormai è trito e ritrito, ma questo lavoro, pur non portando una particolare cifra di originalità, ha una struttura davvero ben costruita. Nessun particolare è lasciato al caso o poco approfondito: dall'ambientazione, alla reazione dei personaggi, alle implicazioni della vita di tutti i giorni sconvolte (come può essere la semplice interazione coi social network), tutto è studiato nel minimo dettaglio. La componente emotiva la fa da padrone e invita alla riflessione, a cosa potrebbe accaderci in una catastrofe del genere (ipotesi non troppo lontana dalla realtà, visti i potenziali pericoli che corre il pianeta) e a q... moreuali scelte prendere in considerazione. Il ritmo, pur non essendo sempre adrenalinico, è assolutamente adatto a favorire l'immersione in questo mondo post-umano e alla sua esplorazione. Opera da gustare e consigliare.
review 2: **Reviewed for EBooks Galore**Diamones is a book about a common subject – the apocalypse and life after it – and is one of the most unusual stories I’ve read in this genre. The story follows husband and father Dan Amenta as he wakes one morning to find that life as he knew it is gone forever. Before you begin this book, there are a few things you should know. First, it is written as though the author speaks English as a second language. The editing is good but occasionally sentences and phrases will throw you. For example, instead of saying “it was a day like any other,” it says, “it was a day like all others.” Not wrong necessarily, but it was enough to jar me out of the flow of the book in places. Second, the story takes place in Geneva, near the CERN laboratory. It may be worthwhile to Google a map of the area before beginning the story to get a sense of the scale and location of things. I have to say this book really stuck with me. When Dan wakes up one morning and goes outside, he finds everyone is dead. EVERYONE. All at once, some sort of catastrophic blunt force trauma killed everyone in his neighborhood – and as far as he can tell, everyone in the world, too. I could totally relate to Dan as he thought back to all the zombie apocalypse movies to try to figure out how to manage this new reality. I watched with Dan as he began to carve a safe haven out of the strange new world he inhabited. It was incredibly believable to me – there’s still electricity and the internet (although nothing is being updated), infomercials and paid programming still plays on the television … in short, automated things keep going. Over all, this ominous feeling of tension, danger, and threat hung over the story. It was as if the creepiness of the fictional world was strong enough to bleed into my own. I had to stop reading the book right before bed, because I kept waiting for Dan to stumble into a Mad Max-style gang, or for his home to be attacked, or for some other horrible thing to go wrong. Perhaps I’ve watched too many apocalypse movies, too. The tension in the book is subtly and masterfully created by the author. When Dan finds another survivor who seems nice, it’s hard to trust her. I kept looking at the narrative for clues that she was going to kill them all in their sleep. When the dogs come with Dan on his scouting trips, I pay extra attention when they are mentioned because I’m waiting for them to see something dangerous headed their way. When the truth behind the mass killing is finally revealed, it’s almost a let-down. Not because it’s poorly done but because I had been bracing myself for something much worse. The end was the only part of the book that I didn’t enjoy. If the story had ended a couple of chapters early and in a cliff hanger, I might have been more satisfied (this is book one of a series). I didn’t like the way the killing was justified, and I hated how Dan just accepted his new reality. I won’t write any spoilers in, but see if it rubs you the wrong way, too. Maybe my independent American soul just can’t accept the yoke that Dan does so readily. The ending was unpleasant enough (even though it’s technically a happy ending) that I won’t be reading book 2. less
Reviews (see all)
Suspense, action with emotions ans love through out the pages. I enjoyed the story very much
I did enjoy this tale, but am not moving forward with the trilogy.
The ending got real slow.
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