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Parched (2013)

by Melanie Crowder(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 3
0547976518 (ISBN13: 9780547976518)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
review 1: Parched is told from three points of view: Sarel, a young, courageous girl who loses her parents to gang members raiding their rural home desperate to find water; Musa, a dowser (one who finds water) sold to gangs to use his powers for their own gain; and Nandi, the leader of the dogs Sarel must keep alive after parents' deaths. Reeling from her parents' deaths, Sarel has resigned herself to figuring out how to keep her and her dogs alive without any help. She has a little water left and her mother's lessons about which plants to eat, but as the water runs out she know she needs to move on. Nandi, however, knows that Musa, the boy who can find water, is on his way and is determined to ensure Sarel and Musa meet. The language is really beautiful; Crowder paints clear i... moremages with few words. The story is heartbreaking at times, but ultimately shows the courage and determination of Sarel, Musa and Nandi. Crowder tells Sarel & Musa's point of view in third person, but Nandi's in first person which gives the story a fantasy quality at times. Grades 6 and up.
review 2: In a "parched" world, Sarel witnesses the murder of her parents over water and Musa has been sold into slavery because of his ability to find it. Sarel must learn to survive on her own with the help of her dogs. Musa must escape slavery. Nandi, leader of the dog pack knows the trouble they're all in, but she also knows that the boy, Musa is coming, and the special gift that he brings. This story is pure poetry. It couldn't be more intense or more beautifully written. less
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I really enjoyed this story especially the well-rounded characters.
A novella or long short story. Well written.
A quick read, but emotionally taxing.
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