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Tris & Izzie (2011)

by Mette Ivie Harrison(Favorite Author)
2.5 of 5 Votes: 2
1606841734 (ISBN13: 9781606841730)
review 1: I've never read or heard any tales of Tristan and Isolde, but I did like this one. It wasn't one of my favorites, but modern teenage romance isn't my thing. I like the author and she wrote and excellent story with just enough suspense to keep you going. I liked Tris and Izzie (as they are known in the book) and the way each character was developed. Nothing seemed forced and the characters didn't go out of their own comfort zones if it was not in their nature to do so. They seemed real and very unique. I also liked how magic was used and explained. It wasn't complicated but became a natural part of the characters that had magical abilities. It was like having a sixth sense. Something you need to develop but it's always with you. I'd recommend it to anyone who lik... morees a fairy-tale re-telling or modern teenage love stories.
review 2: I only read half of this book before I put it down. It was terribly boring, poorly written, and a waste of time. Honestly I only got it from the library because the cover was gorgeous. Well an actual book with a real story line deserves a beautiful cover like this. It was just boring and not going anywhere. Honestly I want to know what happens in the end but no way will I finish this book just to find out what happens. Not worth your time. less
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I get that there was magic, but it was till a little hokey. Everyone accepted everything too well.
Due to the number of negative reviews this book has received, I probably won't be reading this.
I really hate to be one of the crowd, but this book really did go from bad to worse.
... tak tohle byl zážitek :D
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