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Mystery Of Marriage (1985)

by Mike Mason(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 2
0880700971 (ISBN13: 9780880700979)
Multnomah Pub
review 1: This isn't so much a book on marriage, as it is a meditation on God's love for His chosen creation. It reads poetically and at time even mystically. It is, simply, beautiful. I found it particularly refreshing given that marriage today is so watered down and mundane in its portrayal. Whether on the screen or in talking to friends, you very rarely hear the nice, comforting, encouraging aspects of a healthy marriage. Instead it is portrayed more as an obligation one would rather forgo. No so in The Mystery of Marriage. At the risk of sounding inappropriately cheesy, this book truly does restore the mystery to its rightful place in holy marriage.
review 2: I really like this book. I found myself going over and over passages to be sure I'd gotten the full meaning
... moreof them. There were so many amazing insights into the nature and purpose of marriage and how it relates to God's plan for us. I usually read pretty quickly but this is one to be read slowly and pondered and savored. I will finish it, but it will be in due time. I'm still working on it, but thought I should probably move it off my "reading" list since it's been there so long. less
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Jack and I have been slowly reading this.. it's one you kind of have to read slowly. It's fantastic!
a unique, refreshing perspective on faith & marriage, eloquently written
Best book on marriage I've ever read. Ever.
Poetic, perhaps a bit much.
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