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Baltimore: The Plague Ships (2012)

by Mike Mignola(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
1595826777 (ISBN13: 9781595826770)
Dark Horse Comics
review 1: This is so much weaker than the novel preceding it. I don't think it is a spoiler to mention that the Baltimore novel doesn't feature Lord Baltimore very much, and he definitely isn't in the forefront of the story often. Instead, he floats along in the margins of the story slowly developing into a tragic and badass character. The comic version sees him front-and-center, and is the weaker for it. Maybe I was naïve to excitedly believe that the comics would build off the exciting direction that the novel ended with. Instead, we get a reboot that strips out the more-developed characters of the novel and leaves up with a flat, emo Baltimore fighting the stock Mignola devil-soldiers we've seen in Hellboy and B.P.R.D. etc...And, I'm not really into Lord Baltimore's generic... more videogame space-marine look either. Oh well, I picked up two other volumes of this at the library. Maybe they will surprise me. This one was a big letdown after the excellent atmosphere and developments of the novel.
review 2: First off, the art is my favourite thing about Baltimore. The art style is perfect for the industrial horror setting and really conveys the atmosphere Mike Mignola strives to achieve. The action and violence is well done and illustrated very well, possibly the second half to what made this so enjoyable for me.The story, however, is a tad run of the mill. Typical, monster hunter- wanna kill all vampires- for vengeance kind of thing. The characters are almost bland but there are moments of potential where I can see some really interesting character development happening in the future. Perhaps Plague Ships is merely an introduction to our hero and to set the stage, and the meat of the story will begin with volume 2. less
Reviews (see all)
Really nice looking. Great art, wonderful colors and.... the story is decent as well.
Baltimore is relentlessly grim and humorless, but at the same time very compelling.
some thrilling moments of art. waiting for the story to kick off
This guy makes a pegleg look good!
Good story. Ok art work.
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