Baltimore (18 books in series)

Baltimore Volume 3: A Passing Stranger (2013)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: ...And then some giant crabs attacked.Any story that has this happen somewhere in the plot is automatically awesome. I would recommend starting with book one of this series, but if it isn't handy, pretty much anyone can jump right into this volume three and they won't be lost.Of ...
Van mij alleen (2013)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I think I found a new author (new for me at least) to like. Though the story took a bit slow to build up even if the events happened in a few days, I patiently read knowing clues will be in the details. My first suspect turned out to be not the perpetrator but I guess it was just...
Todesherz (2012)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Oh my this was quite the reintroduction to romantic suspense for me. I've read Karen Rose before, but it's been a year or so and a few hundred books. This was so good I think my husband, who loves crime novels, would have been entertained. Not that there wasn't romance, it just w...
Baltimore, 2: Las Campanas de la Maldición (2000)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: At this point in my life, I'm starting to wonder if I would ever pick up a Mignola book and NOT like it. His art style mesmerizes me still to this day, and the writing while it is simple, is incredibly complex and tells amazing stories of horror and mystery. I am sad it took me t...
Baltimore n. 2: Le campane della maledizione (2014)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I am really really enjoying this series so far (and yes I know I've only read two so far but still). Here we find our anti-hero continuing on his quest to hunt down and destroy the vampire that took his leg and his family. He ends up in a small European town that has been taken...
Ne reci nikome (2014)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: This was my first novel by Karen Rose. It won't be my last. I really enjoyed the suspense and the mystery. I enjoyed the relationship between Grayson and Paige, however, some of the interactions and dialogue I found to be weird since they only met each other 2 days ago. There see...
Baltimore, 1: Los barcos de la plaga (2012)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: "exploding zeppelins" в анотації – то трохи перебільшення. там вибухнув тільки один дирижабль. більше й не було, зрештою.ідея хороша: герой мимоволі розв'язує війну між людьми й вампірами (які щось середнє між вампірами у класичному розумінні й зомбаками; принаймні на то виглядає...
Baltimore n. 1: Le navi della peste (2012)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Mike Mignola lends his stylish art to a new generation of tales with a look at a plagued-devastated Europe. During the bloody skirmishes of World War I, vampiric creatures stirred among the dead of the battlefield. The lone survivor of a conflict, Lord Henry Baltimore found himse...
Baltimore Volume 1: The Plague Ships (2011)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Within in the past year I've come back to reading the stories of Mike Mignola. The first book back was Joe Golem and the Drowning City he wrote with Christopher Golden and I really enjoyed that one. The next was about the puppet catechism and I've been reading the Abe Sapien comi...
Baltimore: The Plague Ships (2012)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This is so much weaker than the novel preceding it. I don't think it is a spoiler to mention that the Baltimore novel doesn't feature Lord Baltimore very much, and he definitely isn't in the forefront of the story often. Instead, he floats along in the margins of the story slow...
You Belong to Me (2011)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Dit boek wordt gekenmerkt door een in het begin wat rommelig plot en een gebrek aan originaliteit. Het is dan ook in het begin wat moeilijk te volgen en pakt je nu niet direct. De personages zijn oké. Er zit aardig wat vaart in het verhaal, al had het begin wat meer mogen hebben....
Baltimore, Vol. 2: The Curse Bells (2012)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I actually really liked how disturbing this graphic novel was. It's got that creepy, on-the-edge-of-your-toes feel to it. From vampires to demons, from monsters to shape-changers, from vampire nuns to human sacrifice... What a crazy story! Lord Henry Baltimore's character develop...
No One Left to Tell (2012)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Uit mijn hoofd is In Vertrouwen het zevende boek van Karen Rose, welke in Nederland is uitgegeven. Ik heb ze allemaal gelezen en ervan genoten. Karen Rose weet boeken te schrijven met een combinatie van spanning en romantiek. In alle boeken komen nieuwe personages, maar ook oude ...
Todesschuss (2014)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This book dragged on for me to the point that it was starting to drive me crazy. Maybe it was me but there was a ton of thing that just did not have to be there that made the book way longer then it had to be there and towards then end I just started skipping parts just make the ...
Watch Your Back (Romantic Suspense, #15) (2013)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Usual Karen Rose multi faceted thrilling crime novel which I enjoyed as much as the others I have read. I haven't read them in my sequence but that's not a problem even though the same characters are always involved. The only point of negativity is that I am now getting a little ...
Baltimore, Vol. 1: The Plague Ships (2011)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Really enjoyed reading this graphic novel. It was a little dark, but you really can't beat a story with WWI German vampires in it. I thought Lord Henry Baltimore was an interesting character as well. His story was a little dreary, but his personal war against evil is his redeemin...
Did You Miss Me? (2012)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I struggle to know how to rate and review this one. It was a gift, and not something I would have chosen for myself. Romantic crime is not a genre I even knew existed! I'd call it a well written crime novel plus pretty graphic (well written, but no "fade to sunset" here) sex scen...
Watch Your Back (2014)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 6
review 1: Another amazing book from Goddess Karen! My next book will have to be chosen carefully because this will be a hard book to follow. Ms. Rose writes so perfectly-just the right pacing of this believable plot, twists and turns (I never saw the twists coming!) galore, characters I i...