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Baltimore Volume 3: A Passing Stranger (2013)

by Mike Mignola(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
Dark Horse Comics
review 1: ...And then some giant crabs attacked.Any story that has this happen somewhere in the plot is automatically awesome. I would recommend starting with book one of this series, but if it isn't handy, pretty much anyone can jump right into this volume three and they won't be lost.Of Mignola's non-hellboy titles, Baltimore might just be my favorite. At least it is running neck and neck with the early BPRD volumes.5/5
review 2: It seems to me that anything Mike Mignola does, I like. The third volume of Baltimore was no exception. This graphic novel contained many short stories, thus the title "Baltimore: A Passing Stranger and Other Stories". Everything takes place between June 1916 to October 1917, and Lord Henry Baltimore's adventures take him from Louth, Lincolnsh
... moreire, England to Sarejevo, Austria-Hungary. He's on a hunt for a vampire named Haigus, and along the way runs into all sorts of evil that he has to contend with. There's his own personal battle with God to take into account, and his single-mindedness steers him straight. He's a World War I veteran who hasn't finished fighting, and now fights vampires, demons, and sometimes the Church. I'm actually really liking the series, and I'm hoping that Dark Horse continues to write more. Looking forward to reading the next volume in the series, "Baltimore: Chapel of Bones". less
Reviews (see all)
a collection of shorter stories, some good, a few excellent, one or two forgettable.
Another fantastic horror graphic novel, can't wait for vol 4 this summer.
A brilliant addition to the series
nice use of ichor!
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