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Curves For The Lone Alpha (2000)

by Molly Prince(Favorite Author)
3.39 of 5 Votes: 2
Lone Alpha
review 1: Okay so this was my first "wolf" book. Don't typically read the paranormal stuff. Looked at the reviews, eh, even for free I was debating to download or not. A voice inside said get it, don't care just get it. Not only did I get it, but I pulled it up to read as soon as I finished my current book. No regrets here and I want more please. I liked the characters. I liked their toughness and their vulnerability. And their kinky, quirky, sexy selves. There were enough plot holes and questions to pique my interest for the next book in a series. I encourage the author to continue on with James' and Carrie's story. And I will be buying the next installment.
review 2: I'm a sucker for werewolf books. Any story that revolves around the pack or the lone wolf m
... moreissing pack is a must-read for me. I downloaded this book free today on Amazon, and was only disappointed when I got to the end and realized there was no book two yet. It's pretty heavy on the erotic elements, and is a novella, but despite that still manages to make you care about the characters and to want more. less
Reviews (see all)
Cute little werewolf tale and if Ms Prince writes more about James & Carrie, I'll be reading it.
Pretty good story. Fast read. I wish some more background information was given though.
Loved everything about this except the length.
Really enjoyed this short story
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