Lumberjanes is a continuation of my foray into graphic novels. I heard a lot about this one by Bea and Mattie from Youtube. They both really seemed to enjoy this series and although I don’t find many of the other books that they read really appealing I wanted to give this one a go.
This comic is about a group of girls at a scouting camping similar to girl guides. The group itself is quite diverse and, of course, is very good at getting into mischief.
The book goes through several of story lines, each other them around 10-20 pages long. All of them are connected.
I loved the way that the characters interacted with one another and how much they cared for each other. Going into it, I was a bit apprehensive because this book was more geared towards the 9-13 age group, but it was absolutely delightful. I ended up rating it a 5 out of 5. The perfect book to read on your way camping.