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The Departure (2011)

by Neal Asher(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 5
0230708730 (ISBN13: 9780230708730)
Owner Trilogy
review 1: The Departure, the first book of The Owner Trilogy by Neal Asher, is set in a dystopic future where a sickeningly overpopulated Earth is controlled by a tyrannical world government that would give Orwell nightmares. Consuming 90% of the remaining resources while millions starve to death, the government meets any type of criticizing or free thought with deadly force and ruthless efficiency. One man, a human genius with the most advanced biotech the world has ever seen, is going to singlehandedly change the course of human history. It's slightly humorous to me that I actually kind of faltered roughly half-way through the book due to it not really keeping my interest but at the finale I found myself craving the next book of the series to find out what's going to happen to the... more characters.
review 2: First of a trilogy, and falls at the lower end of Neal Asher's creative range and output. The book takes a while to get going, and parts of it read like a depressingly right-wing swipe at the (supposedly) corrupt and stifling effects of current-day EU bureaucracy. Perhaps I'm wrong, hope so. To that end, it's short on good ideas for once and long on tub thumping, with cartoonish bad guys and a protagonist who you never really warm to. Still, it rattles along once it gets some momentum and decides where it's going. Not a patch on the Polity books, but I may try the second and see if things pick up and the author's EU hobby horse is taken round the back of the shed and put out of its misery. less
Reviews (see all)
A good if somewhat slow start...Hopefully pacing picks up in later books
A fast paced, complex read. Heavy on the tech, politics, and action.
This was not for me. Relentlessly angry and bleak.
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