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The Darkest Little Room (2012)

by Patrick Holland(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
1921924241 (ISBN13: 9781921924248)
Transit Lounge Publishing
review 1: Interesting, convoluted. A bit abrupt at the end.A story of a Vietnamese speaking Australian who seeks to find his lost love in Saigon. It becomes a story of deceit and intrigue.There was a depth during the telling of the story that I enjoyed but the ending seemed to lack that depth and become a kind of attempt to tie everything up. I enjoyed the layers as the story unravelled.It's also a look at one of the dark sides of Vietnam.
review 2: Saigon just roars off the pages of this book, entrancing, dangerous, violent and intoxicating. The savage streets, the bars, the wastelands, the darks and lights of the place all come together in a drama, about a journalist and a deceptive prostitute, that is worthy of Graham Greene. Australia has an 'old lady' literary cult
... moreure. God bless old ladies, I love em, I even hope to be one one of these days. But what else could explain the glut, the absolute glut of Woman's Day style 'romance in a foreign land' books and nostalgic, knitting and a cup of tea World War I&II books by authors whose most significant engagement with war was when they took out a library card and took the elevator to the appropriate section of the state library. So every single time we get something like this book - this raw, this real, this vital and urgent, about our time, our region, we should just put our hands together and thank the heavens for its very existence. less
Reviews (see all)
Great subject and setting. Unfortunately, the characters' motivations weren't convincing for me.
The story is good and well enough, but the language and character voice are flat as a pancake.
I like that it took me somewhere I had never been. Beautiful darkness.
So beautiful. So strange.
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