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Duel With The Devil: The True Story Of How Alexander Hamilton And Aaron Burr Teamed Up To Take On America's First Sensational Murder Mystery (2013)

by Paul Collins(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 5
0307956458 (ISBN13: 9780307956453)
review 1: My wife bought me this book knowing that I love Alexander Hamilton. It ended up having very little to do with him, and spent most of the time describing the context of the murder. I found it a really great glimpse into daily life at the turn of the 19th century. On the other hand, the writing was a bit hard to follow at times and the cast of characters a bit confusing as well. This may have been my own fault, but it leads me to recommend reading this book a lot in a few days rather than a little at a time over a long period. Definitely worth checking out as a casual peak into an early murder trial in America.
review 2: A well-written book about the murder of the young Quaker Elma Sands. Collins writes the story in the classic true crime model by introduci
... moreng the main characters, the crime then the trial that follows. The title would make you think that the focus of the book would be on the trial and on Burr and Hamilton, but instead was much more general than that. Collins' journalistic writing style matched well with the story he told. This was a good historical true crime story that I would recommend to those interested in that genre. I received a free copy of this book from as a GoodReads giveaway. less
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Took a while to get into this book but worth it in the end , good book well written
writing style reminiscent of Erik Larsen...easy read
Learned some interesting things about early America
at Brockport and Parma Libraries
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