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Living Beautifully: With Uncertainty And Change (2012)

by Pema Chödrön(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 3
1590309634 (ISBN13: 9781590309636)
review 1: Hope let me borrow this last time I was visiting - very calming and reassuring... if only I could put more of what I actually already know into practice. OK - done with the book now and feel it's something I could read every day to remain present, to let the fears and anxiety wash over me, to live with more kindness and thoughtfulness, to not add to ill thoughts or wishes. She writes in such an easy to read, easy to think about practicing way. Lovely. Highly recommend it to everyone although I realize that I'm just probably in a place in my life where it speaks to me... not sure someone younger would get some of it -- sometimes you just have to live through some things before you're ready for this.
review 2: Living Beautifully with Uncertainty used the idea
... more of the vows we might take at different stages of our Buddhist journey to explore living with uncertainty. From other writings I believe this approach to uncertainty is connected to freedom from fixed mind. Pema Chodron taught a class where she used an exploration of the paramitas to explore this freedom. And another book, COMFORTABLE WITH UNCERTAINTY is a collection of 108 mini-essays (pith instructions) on the Mahayana path. One always hears about contemplating impermanence. This is helping me to see a corollary of that, which is to acknowledge the uncertainty of our life. less
Reviews (see all)
Pema Always has something helpful to say, even on subsequent reads. Lifeblood in here.
This is not a book one ever truly finishes so I will keep it handy.
"The warrior's cry is: 'We are needed!',
Good material to reflect on.
Loved it...worth reading!
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