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No One Is Here Except All Of Us (2012)

by Ramona Ausubel(Favorite Author)
3.28 of 5 Votes: 2
1594487944 (ISBN13: 9781594487941)
review 1: I had a really hard time getting into this book and I even had a hard time staying interested. I did not look forward to picking it up, yet while reading I often felt transfixed. There was such beauty in the melancholic writing. That said, I often put it down because the tears would build up and I was never in the place to let them come. This book is hard to describe. Since my Dad died I haven't found anything written, or heard anything from others regarding "addition and subtraction" which I felt so strongly after my Dad's death. Everything was divided between the two and mostly everything after was subtraction. She put this into words that I don't know if I would have understood before. It was somewhat breathtaking. My heart aches just thinking about this s... moretory.
review 2: This book is stunning, full of poetry and poignancy so sharp it hurts. Aside from the compelling micro-story (a village in Romania that decides to re-imagine itself in the midst of WW2), it raises fantastic questions about the nature of storytelling and reality. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a happy fairy tale (consider the setting) – but within its un-realness lies deep truth. If you liked The Tiger’s Wife, I bet you’d like this. less
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a beautiful, descriptive, and sad read. one of those books that uses words in an extraordinary way.
Beautiful writing. Weird plot that is unexpected and fascinating.
3.5 stars. An odd book, but I liked it.
Interesting, but very very odd...
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