“Lane’s” by Nash Summers

Maps doesn’t believe in growing up.

He believes in his experiments, Benji’s new driving skills, Perry’s knowledge of “adult things”, and his interstellar boyfriend, Lane.

Maps certainly doesn’t believe in graduating. And he especially doesn’t believe in his friends attending separate colleges.

Because if Maps believed in any of those things, it would mean he was growing up.


Do you have those near and dear to your heart book friends? I do. Maps is one of them. He is a one of a kind quirky guy. Have you seen ‘The Big Bang Theory’? I watch very little television (bookworm here) but I always watch my favorite nerds. Sheldon Cooper is an uber-nerd and Maps is his doppelgänger. They are very different yet have extremely parallel personalities. This is book three in Life According to Maps and I urge you to start at the very beginning. Experiencing the introduction of Lane into Maps world is too good to pass up. I was anxiously awaiting this release and then savored it. I set it aside until I knew I needed it. I had enormous faith that Summer’s would rock my world with this final episode (sobs) of Maps extraordinary high school career. She did not disappoint.

It’s a given that I will enjoy anything Miss Summer’s creates. Her artist gifts are bountiful; she pens adorkable tales and then wraps them in the most amazing packaging. Her characters, her writing style, her covers…I like them all. I like them a lot. As we are aware from the first two books, Lane is Maps boyfriend. They are also neighbors but the boyfriend bit is fairly new. Maps is invited over to Lane’s house for dinner with his parents. Maps takes this…next step very seriously. I couldn’t stop the belly laughs from this and the many other Maps moments. I especially enjoyed the party crashing scene. Yep, that’s gotta be my golden Maps minute from this episode. Maps and his crew are loads of fun.

Maps. Lane. Maps loving Lane. Lane loving Maps. I loved it all. Their senior year is flying by and the scary unknown of ‘what’s next’ is looming over them. Benji and Lane have both applied to colleges. Maps cannot face the fact that high school is ending so, he hasn’t applied to any colleges yet. But, he also can’t bear to be left behind. This presents a problem. He wants to stay but he doesn’t want everyone to leave him. His life is in turmoil. Turmoil is not a good place for Maps. He distracts himself with a to-do list. He wants to complete a set of accomplishments that he equates with senior skills. Luckily he has some special guys to help him achieve them. Even if he doesn’t know where he’s going tomorrow, he knows where he’s at today. And isn’t that the most important thing?

And that ending? Gahhhh! LOVED it!

This is YA so I’m not certain it needs mentioning, but the smexy time is non-existent. I didn’t need it or miss it but if it’s crucial for you, be advised first base is as far as these boys get. Yes, I’m talking about ‘touching first base’ Maps.