“Restore Me” Theories and Predictions

Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi is the fourth book to the Shatter Me series. Four years after the original trilogy ended, Mafi has decided to continue on the series for another three books. The first one, Restore Me, is coming out on March 6th, 2018. Just a couple days ago a sample of the first thirty pages came out which both Isis and I were lucky enough to get and read. We’ve since come up with a few theories about the new series.

Also, we’ve just recorded the first episode of our new podcast Tea Talks. Currently, it’s just on Youtube, but we’re hoping to move it to other platforms in the future. Our first episode discusses Restore Me more in-depth, if you want to know more of our thoughts.

  • Warner and Juliette will both have POV chapters in the new book. Most think that means one will die or they will be separated. I also think it could be because Mafi read the original series and realized that Juliette, no matter her character growth, is still an unreliable narrator. With having Warner narrating, we will get a lot more information than we would just being stuck in Juliette’s head. 


  • Warner is mourning his father. Even if he was an abusive bastard, that was his father, and he has to deal with those emotions. And with the fact that it was Juliette who killed him. I think this will cause a little rift between them because they aren’t talking about it. 


  • But Adam is going through the same thing as Warner. This is their chance to really bond and get closer to each other. No one else will understand as completely as the other. I’m really looking forward to this as a way to get to know Adam again without Juliette’s prejudice, and it will bring more cute James scenes.


  • I think Adam will get closer to Alia, the weapons designer. Mafi has said that he won’t have a love interest in this book, but I think it will build up to something in the other books.


  • Mafi has also mentioned new characters. In the sample, it mentions some of Warner’s childhood friends coming to visit to check out the situation. He thinks they are true evil, but I don’t see why they can’t be similar to him. They can just be acting, and revealing their true selves now. 


  • Mafi also mentioned a love interest for Kenji. I’m wondering if one of these new people could be it. Or a civilian.


  • In the sample, it talks about Oceania responding to Juliette’s call for an international conference.  They respond informally, can’t wait to see you. Not meet. See. I think it’s a good possibility that they could be Juliette’s parents. 


  • Also, Juliette in the leadership position. It’s not going to go well. She knows nothing about the world, and in the first thirty pages, it shows she’s not interested in learning. She’s the same as in the original trilogy where she’s stuck in her own head, and waits for action cues for everyone else. 


  • I think this will be Warner’s character arc. Juliette is kind of Warner’s Adam where he is blinded by love. I’m really curious if Juliette and Warner will stay together for the entirety of the new series and if they would still be end game. 
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