5 Books I Want to Reread This Year

As much as I love delving into new books there’s something about the familiarity of reading a book I’ve read before, especially if it’s been a few years since I’ve picked the book up.  Though I was planning on rereading a few books this year, I really want to now that I can add them toward my reading challenge on Goodreads.

It’s too soon to say if I’ll do reviews of these books, but I don’t want to add the pressure of having to review them.  Or at least Harry Potter (I think we all know that I love the series and recommend it to everyone).  I guess we’ll see what happens.

1.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling

It’s been years since I’ve plowed through all the books, and more specifically three years since I last read books 1-3.  I believe the reason I didn’t finish the series that year was because I was doing YouTube videos at the time and in school.  I had quite a bit going on.  In any case, with the coming release of the 20th anniversary editions of the first book, I plan on reading it as well as the entire series because, as my fellow HP nerds know, this September will mark the official point of ’19 Years Later’ in the last book.  So I have to read them all before then.

2.  Private by Kate Brian

I finished reading this series in 2011 and haven’t picked up the books since.  My best friend has read a chunk of the books when I finished them (there’s 14 books, along with 2 prequels), but I personally haven’t.  I did actually love this series and I think now that it’s been 6 years since I last read them, I can go back and restart the series (though I don’t think I’ll read all of them this year).

3.  Called to Serve by Stefan Gulyas

Okay, I’m completely biased with rereading this one because my great-uncle is the author.  I originally read this in my senior year of high school and it was a great read.  It was cool to learn all these things about my uncle and his time working as a missionary overseas.  If you can get your hands on a copy, I definitely recommend it.  Or you can always email me if you’re interested, we have tons of them still, even after he passed away.

4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The only time I read this book was my junior year of high school, but I remember loving it.  Since it’s been nearly ten years since I’ve read it (yikes!) I can’t tell you why that is.  I found this copy at the used bookstore I volunteered at this summer and got it for fifty cents.  The thing that’s real awesome about this copy is that it was an extra taken out of the library of my old high school.  Who knows?  It could even be the exact same copy I read!  (Doubtful, but it’s a nice thought.)

5. Send by Patty Blount

I don’t even know the last time I read this book.  I remember it was good and that my best friend borrowed it for a while… as in she had it for over a year before I got it back.  I think I had even forgotten that it was this particular book that she still had, but I’ve been wanting to reread it since she returned it.  Of course, that was also probably two years ago.  I’m terrible.  Anyway, I am looking forward to rereading this book because I feel like it’s going to be almost exactly like reading it for the first time again.

Isn’t that something we bookworms always wish we could do?

What books do you want to reread this year?

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