A Chickadees Thoughts….

It’s Just a Penny, or is it more than that?

Today I was walking into the grocery store, and I saw a bright shiny penny on the ground. The person behind me commented to me as they walked by, why bother picking it up, it’s just a penny.  Just a penny, rang in my head. Why do we often think things like a penny have no value and often times seem unimportant.  Last time I checked pennies have a way of adding up. But it’s just not a penny, its more than that.  How often do we hear, It’s just a car, it’s just a job it’s just a ___________.

Why do we not value the things that God has provided for us.  This person is see’s a penny as just one cent, but this penny can hold such promise.  It can make the difference between nothing and something.

Just like a penny can make a difference, how much more can we make in our every day lives.

We are often guilty of selling each other short.  Not realizing our full potential. Satan tries so hard to make us feel that we are just a penny we don’t amount to much.  Yet the we are the most prized possession of all.  Just like a penny we can make a difference.

Just something to think about ….

PPossibilities – What can that penny do for you? How can that Penny make a difference in your life

E –  Everything matters –  You are precious to God and to others, and impact others for the greater good

NNothing is impossible –  With God all things are possible.  Believe in yourself little is much when God is in it.

N – No is never an option, say yes to the penny and see where it leads you

Y –  Your Faith, in  picking up that penny is like saying Yes to your future!!!  Your one step closer.

It’s just not a penny, in reality.  We need to take value in the things around us. How often we discard something because we feel it doesn’t matter, we don’t need it.  it’s just junk, it’s trash.  A Penny can even be a friend that you don’t seem to value, but her friendship can be priceless.

Let’s take a moment and think about what we hold dear to us and maybe pick up those pennies we so easily toss away and hold on to them a little bit more.  We may find those pennies turn up to be priceless after all.

Until next time,


God’s Chick2

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