“It’s easier,” we assured ourselves, committed not to get another dog. Cats are really a lot easier. We can run off to Taos and leave them some big bowls of food and water and they don’t mind a bit. Cats don’t typically eat the couch or leave horse-like piles in the backyard. “No, we don’t need a dog,” we said again.
I suppose it began with a one page article in Sunset Magazine some months ago where a blond photographer and her wolf hybrid traveled the country together capturing the perfect shot. I miss my wolf. And a dog to travel around with me would be so fun. I haven’t really opened my heart to a dog since Navajo.
Then there was the adorable lab at one of the fairs we did. Then the movie, A Dog’s Purpose. Kinda knew that would do me in. Then I cried when my granddog went home after two weeks at my house. My other granddog is my logo for my company and he is just too fluffy and cute for words. I wanted a big floofy dog.
And into our lives entered a ginormous ball of fur. Gandalf talks like a husky, is huge and fluffy like a wolf, protective already, and at three months old is already forty pounds. I am in love. So is Doug. The cats…well, not so much. The kitten loves him though!
If you are considering a farm dog or a city dog, it may be the perfect holiday gift for yourself and for the little soul that you bring home. If you have extra love to give, there is a pup out there who would be so grateful.
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