A New Journey With Tarot

I have been drawn to go on a whole new journey with Tarot and to document it to help others. My aim with this journey is to go really deep into the Tarot and myself, to learn and grow even more and to give my readings far more depth than ever before. But first and foremost this journey is about me!

I have been using Tarot for over 10 years and have been a professional reader for about 10 years. I started my professional career with Tarot with Psychic Today and since then I have honed my skills, refocused my area of expertise and read for hundreds and hundreds of people.

I want my readings to give so much more than predictions and in the last year, I have combined my coaching skills with my readings to give clarity and guidance to my clients but also a clear action plan of what they can do next to give them the success they crave.

This is where my talent lies and my feedback has been excellent especially for my Soul Client Readings and my Business breakthrough Sessions. But I want to offer my clients even more so it is time for me to take a whole new journey, to document and to teach what I am learning along the way.

So a new journey begins today!



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