A walk to be remembered…

We usually underestimate the power of little things, we take them for granted and we often do not realize that the power some of these things have, is priceless.

Priceless was my today! A non-typical winter sunny Sunday. The sun not that only warmed the earth today, the warmth of the sun went through our hearts indeed filling them with positivity and making our faces go all smiley.

I decided to take a walk by the artificial lake in my town and I enjoyed it like never before. I could feel people’s happiness as they were side-walking with their families, dogs, biking or running after kids enjoying the sun and the fresh air.

I could feel the happiness and love in the air.

I found myself taking pictures of the breathtaking views, many times. I have been there before, it’s just that today it was so special and I had to catch moments worth it.

Even the coffee tastes different when you drink it by the lake.

Here are some of the views I caught while walking by the lake today:

This sunny winter Sunday made me understand that we are focused mainly on having expensive luxury weekends that we forget sometimes we can take the best out of a costless day and we can enjoy it even more!

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