Alex’s Story: It’s All About Effort

Effort is something that is not consciously thought about day to day, moment to moment. We don’t often stop and think about how much effort we are putting into our various activities and commitments, especially those small things that happen on a daily basis. We tend not to critically evaluate whether our everyday efforts are doing ourselves justice in each of our endeavours, so it can become all too easy to fall into complacency or burn ourselves out by overdoing it.

I have started to use effort as a measure of my success and since doing so, I have adapted my view on exercise and sport to be much more positive. Not everyday will be my day and some days it just won’t click for me on the pitch or in the gym. My passes might be awful and on other days my legs will ache and running fast is just not a possibility, so it seems useless to ever judge my progress on any outcome related criteria.

Alex with her complete morning club loyalty card – over 45 sessions attended in just one term!

Effort seems like a much more productive gauge for success. Though my body and mood will naturally fluctuate from day to day, I do know that my commitment to give all of my effort can remain consistent, which I take great confidence in. I also understand that if I have given 100% of my effort (whatever that may look like on some days!), the session will always benefit me in some way. I may not make huge strides forward each time in getting stronger, faster or fitter but I will have at least developed my ability to preserve, put my head down and give everything that I am capable of.

It seems that this approach isn’t just useful in a fitness sense, it’s a mantra I now apply to every aspect of my school and home life and it’s been serving me pretty well so far. It’s very rewarding to end the day and know that I’ve done my best and given my all in improving and developing. There’s also no danger of any epic fails either because I am the one in control of my daily approach and enthusiasm.

My school is special in that success is often judged on the effort you put in; it’s highly valued, no matter who you are or what you are doing. Unlike my previous school, PE lessons, games and fitness sessions are not daunting because it doesn’t matter whether you are naturally sporty, you will always be recognised and rewarded for the commitment you give. This approach gives everyone permission to be involved and it’s the reason I have become so passionate about the sports and activities I take part in. The sporting community provides an extended family; we’re all safe to push ourselves 100% and feel supported by those around us in doing so. It’s the perfect environment for taking risks, pushing forward and ultimately growing.

Whether it’s the gym on a Monday morning, the field on a Tuesday, the track on a Thursday or the sports hall on a Friday, at my school, there is always a hive of people putting in a ton of effort.

You’d be a fool not to jump on board and give it your all!
