Always Something There to Remind Me

Author: Beth Harbison
Publisher: St. Martin Press
Genre: Fiction
Source: Purchased


Goodreads:  Can you ever really know if love is true? And if it is, should you stop at anything to get it?

Two decades ago, Erin Edwards was sure she’d already found the love of her life: Nate Lawson. Her first love. The one with whom she shared everything–dreams of the future, of children, plans for forever. The one she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. Until one terrible night when Erin made a mistake Nate could not forgive and left her to mourn the relationship she could never forget or get over.

Today, Erin is contentedly involved with a phenomenal guy, maneuvering a successful and exciting career, and raising a great daughter all on her own. So why would the name “Nate Lawson” be the first thing to enter her mind when her boyfriend asks her to marry him?

In the wake of the proposal, Erin finds herself coming unraveled over the past, and the love she never forgot. The more she tries to ignore it and move on, the more it haunts her.

Always Something There to Remind Me is a story that will resonate with any woman who has ever thought of that one first love and wondered, “Where is he?” and “What if…?” Filled with Beth Harbison’s trademark nostalgia humor and heart, it will transport you, and inspire you to believe in the power of first love.

Ope’s Opinion:  There was a lot I really liked about this book.  I love the story, the characters were realistic and I like the setting – since we live near DC, I found it fun to picture places I know.  I also liked that we saw Erin’s perspective as a teen and as an adult.

There were something that I did not really like – the repetitive details of sex was not necessary to get the feeling of the relationship between Nate and Erin.  There relationship was intense, I feel like that evident and could have come across without the explicit details over and over again.

The ending was good, but not realistic at all, but I liked it.

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