
Author: Catherine McKenzie
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Genre: Chick Lit
Source: Kristin of Kritters Ramblings


Goodreads:  Anne Blythe has a great life: a good job, good friends, and a potential book deal for her first novel. When it comes to finding someone to share it with, however, she just can’t seem to get it right.

After yet another relationship ends, Anne comes across a business card for what she thinks is a dating service, and she pockets it just in case. When her best friend, Sarah, announces she’s engaged, Anne can’t help feeling envious. On an impulse, she decides to give the service a try because maybe she could use a little assistance in finding the right man. But Anne soon discovers the company isn’t a dating service; it’s an exclusive, and pricey, arranged marriage service. She initially rejects the idea, but the more she thinks about it — and the company’s success rate — the more it appeals to her. After all, arranged marriages are the norm for millions of women around the world, so why wouldn’t it work for her?

A few months later, Anne is travelling to a Mexican resort, where in one short weekend she will meet and marry Jack. And against all odds, it seems to be working out — until Anne learns that Jack, and the company that arranged their marriage, are not what they seem at all.

Ope’s Opinion: I was given this book to read from my daughter Kristin of Kritters Ramblings.  She is a huge Catherine McKenzie fan and said “Mom you Have to read this one.”  Although the premise is unlikely ( it is fiction! ) it was a lot of fun to read.

When you choose your relationships based on superficial aspects, you get superficial relationships.  It took Anne a little while to figure that out.  So she decided to go a different route ( arranged marriage ) to start a relationship.

If you think you know where this story is going …. keep reading …. you will be surprised and hopefully enjoy it!  This is just an enjoyable read.

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