I’m a wanted jewel thief.
He’s FBI.
What’s that saying? Keep your friends close…and your husband closer.
Being married to a federal agent certainly has its perks.
1. I just love the way that man looks in a suit.
2. This way I always know what the enemy is up to.
Spending my days lifting jewels and my nights tracking the Bureau should have been a genius plan. But the closer I get to Grant Emerson, the more dangerous this feels. With two million dollars’ worth of diamonds on the line, I can’t afford to fall for my own husband.
It turns out that the only thing worse than having a mortal enemy is being married to one. Because in our game of theft and seduction, only one of us will come out on top.
Good thing a cat burglar always lands on her feet.
The Meta Details:
Source: Netgalley
Format: eBook
Length: 416 pages
Publication Date: March 7, 2017
Genre: Romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense
Content Level: Adult
Pearl Clutching Content: sex featuring million dollar necklaces.
Trigger Warnings: abandonment, deceit, implied affairs, more deceit, claustrophobia
Featuring: the best side characters in the industry. If I could get a Simon and Oz buddy cop drama…
Recommended for: Folks looking for a fast-paced and fun heist novel
Rating: Must read
Ginny Lurcock’s Thoughts: If you need an example of how to do contemporary romance right, look no further than Stealing Mr. Right. Told in a series of flashbacks woven together with current events, Tamara Morgan crafts an epic love story between Federal Agent and Jewel Theif. They play against each other. The tempt and bait each other. But more importantly, they love each other. They love each other hard. Each without the other noticing.
My god, it’s wonderful…
The prose is gorgeous. It’s fast-paced and kept me frantically flipping pages desperate for more. I had to know how they admitted they were in love because it was obvious from their first interactions on the page. And it’s not just Penelope and Grant. Every character is crafted to perfection, masterfully allowing them to play their parts in the narrative.
I even liked Simon.
I even enjoyed Riker and Grant (and others) acting in what they thought was Penelope’s best interest without her knowledge or consent. Giving them alpha vibes without turning them into complete douchebags or misogynists.
Penelope and Jordan both have this natural light about them. (And in Pen’s case, the impression of naivety and deep-seated hurt.) Both of them are allowed to be special, to draw others to them. To earn their trust and their protection all without punching down other women.
Sure they’re special, but they’re not “not like other girls.”
And Oz… Well Oz was my favorite. The lawyer, not knowing how many of them there were. He takes up so few words in the actual story, but all those words are basically the best.
This novel… this novel is the antithesis of all the lazy writing and harmful tropes kicking around out there in contemporary romancelandia.
A+. Would (and do) recommend.
A complimentary copy of this book was provided in exchange for a fair and honest review via Netgalley.