Before Sunrise

A couple of weeks ago my mum told me that I should watch the ‘Before Sunrise’ trilogy because she thought I’d like it. And man did I like it! I only watched the first two movies – I’m saving the last one for another time in future.

The whole story revolves around a 20-something year old American guy and French girl who meet on a train that’s passing through Vienna. They decide to stay in Vienna for a day. Against all odds they fall for each other, but he has to go back to America the next morning. It’s a good movie, you should definitely watch it!

While watching the movie I was mesmerized; so much romance and beauty! But nothing is made to be a cliche. I fell in love with the story, and the main characters are very relatable. The girl – Celine is so much like me, I couldn’t believe it! Maybe it’s because I usually watch American or British movies, and people who live there are completely different from us Europeans, so when they put an European girl as a lead, I saw my way of thinking and my personality in her (must be something about us European girls