Being Kind Is A Gift

In 2017, I grew really much as a person and today I’m gonna share something. 2018 is just started and is a perfect opportunity for some changes. What doesn’t kill you makes you kind and stronger, literally.Last year I did more things on my own and it really made me feel stronger and more capable.


I can’t tell you this enough but all that I have experienced that the strongest person I know, whose heart has been damaged, disappointed and tossed away for granted. A warrior in their own special way. That person is probably anyone. I have come a long way to realize, no matter what your heart has been through, Someday you will find happiness.We can’t imagine our self-being mean to someone else’s heart. Regardless, people say after you get your heart broken, you change and you turn into a cold-hearted person. But I disagree, We didn’t change, We are still as kind as we were before we got our heart broken several times. Being kind is a gift, if you are still kind to people regardless of what you have been through, then you deserve all respect from yourself.


You can’t lose your kindness in this world, no matter what you going through. Whether you have people to help you or alone, most of the times you are on your own. But it’s ok. That way because there are days when nobody is there for you to support you and stand by you, It’s better than before when always feel like a cold-hearted person. Because you will learn how to find strength out of nowhere and make it count not only for you but for everybody around.

Finding your thing really makes you grow as a person.

Every day of your life is going to be another fight, another challenge that you have to go through.


This year I got better at kind behavior towards everyone and love myself. Of course, I feel insecure sometimes but it’s not as often as before at least.This year I started reading, writing and drawing more regularly and it feels fantastic like I’ve found myself. Feel confident in what you’re doing and you have somewhere to express all your energy and creativity.But always remember that

No Need To Get Approved.

You need approval from you and only you. Because you are the only one who knows what you have been through. This should make you the proudest human ever. You don’t need anyone to approve how strong and capable you are. It’s the most important thing ever.


  It’s rare to find

Kindness these days is rare to find and if kindness is still a big deal to you. Then I congratulate you for being an amazing human being.



There’s so much more I could list. And I’m not saying any of this helped at all but whatever you’re going through will past. And then you will be the kindest and happiest person. Be kind and strong wake up every morning with a goal.


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