Best-Ever Dorm Oatmeal


  • Quick Oats – My gluten allergy isn’t contamination-severe, so I just use normal Quaker Oats, but they do make Gluten Free as well!
  • Chia Seeds – A good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants. They swell in water which help keep you fuller, longer.
  • Nuttzo 7 Nut & Seed Butter – This is the best substitute I’ve found for peanut butter. The variety of nuts and seeds makes for a great texture and it’s super filling. Be careful purchasing if you have a peanut allergy, Nuttzo does make some nut butters with peanuts.
  • Wholesome Organic Coconut Palm Syrup – I happened to buy this at Costco, but any syrup will do for an added sweetness.
  • Cinnamon
  • Almond Milk
  • Boiling Water
  • Fruit – I don’t often have fresh fruit because there are no grocery stores near my campus, but I love adding blueberries when I have them!


1. I typically do 4 teaspoons of oats and 3 teaspoons of chia seeds, depending on how thick I want it. The chia seeds grow substantially when you add water so you’ll have to play around with the recipe and figure out your preference.

2. I put a teaspoon of nut butter in before I pour the hot water on, because it helps to soften it and make it easier to mix in. (Regular almond butter pictured)

3. Pour in boiling water, as much as you see fit. A lot of it will be absorbed by the chia seeds.

4. Top with syrup, cinnamon, fruit or any other toppings.

5. Once the water is soaked up by the oats and chia seeds, I add a little bit of almond milk to make it more liquid-y. Top with cinnamon and enjoy!

6. Viola!

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