Book Review – The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson #fantasy #bookreview

Guest Review ~ by Lee 

My wife simply cannot believe that in recent weeks I have progressed from an occasional reader. One who mainly reads a Dan Brown or two each year when on holiday to suddenly devouring books. I’ve also gone from having never read a fantasy book to… let’s try The Way of Kings, a Brandon Sanderson behemoth! Actually, I’d never heard of Brandon Sanderson. I found this book quite by accident after watching a YouTube video. So what did I think?

Well, I cannot believe it’s taken me a week of reading every day to complete it! But I couldn’t stop reading it. Yes, the pace is not that fast throughout. But it’s never dull in any way. The character development is excellent, with each of the primary and secondary characters being introduced steadily and built in layers. Brandon doesn’t try to tell you everything about any character too early. The world and its people are also well built. You feel like you understand the cultures and the landscape and even some (that’s been revealed) of the history.

I’ll avoid spoilers, but will add, there are moments where you’re so disappointed with a path the story takes that you look away from the book and say “Seriously!” and there are moments where you’ll punch the air and want to yell “Go on!” like a sports fan cheering their team.

Whether you’ve read fantasy or not, give this book a go, but if you like a glass of wine whilst you read, consider ordering a case.

My rating: Five Stars!

More by Lee ~ Too many authors spoil the story – The problem with audio books

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