Book review: Marilyn’s Monster, by Michelle Knudsen, illustrated by Matt Phelan

Knudsen, Michelle. Marilyn’s Monster. Illustrated by Matt Phelan. Candlewick Press, 2015. $6.99. ISBN 978-0-7636-9301-5. Unpaged. Ages 4-8. P8Q8.

Marilyn waits patiently for her monster to find her, yet everyone has limits, and eventually she is not willing to wait any longer. She takes the initiative to find her monster.  Her monster needs her help and it’s a good thing that she takes charge.

Verdict: This is an adorable story about perseverance and initiative.  Both have rewards and Marilyn keeps going because she believes in it.  The art is beautiful with soft pastels of adorable monsters.

May 2017 review by Penny McDermott.

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