Genre: High fantasy with roooomance
Summary: Miach and Morgan continue their journey of self, family, and ridding the kingdom of evil.
Rating: 4/5
Third in the series of the Nine Kingdom, it feels like the conclusion of a trilogy (which may have been how the author meant it). Miach and Morgan, I won’t go into too much detail, continue on with trying to fight evil that has been ravaging the realm. There are a sleeeeeeeuth of new characters. Lynn Kurland does a fair job at giving them all distinct personalities.
The plot line as a whole has a steady pace throughout the novel. Even when the action is slow, the narrative pace keeps up with dialogue and a kind of tongue in cheek voice.
I do wish there was more apparent diversity, though. I can’t say with any type of certainty what the majority of the characters look like. I have a feeling they are mostly of a paler skin tone and some of them are blond or redheaded. There isn’t much descriptive narration which I feel could round out this ficitonal world.
Overall, I am a sucker for romantic high fantasy.
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