Book Review: The Marriage Lie

Hello Page Turners,

Moment of silence for The Marriage Lie.

My goodness this book had me on edge. This is one of those books that make you think, take away all of your time; you literally have no life outside of these books…I LOVE IT!

The marriage lie follows a wife who believes her husband is killed in a plane crash. When she tries to figure out if her husband was indeed on the plane that crashed with no survivors, she learns a secret or two. Her husband was not on the plane he was supposed to be on. He did not have reservations at the hotel he claimed he’d be staying in and there was no convention that he was going to. Lies!

As Iris, tries to find the truth, she is haunted with the very real thought that her marriage was a lie. This book displays the hurdles a man goes through to keep his secrets as bay.

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