If there is anything I wish for you to know about Mormonism and our beliefs it is our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer.  He lives, He loves us, and He has a plan for us.   We also believe in God as our Heavenly Father and in the Holy Ghost as a third member of the Godhead.  Each being three separate, distinct, individual beings with different roles but one in purpose and doctrine.

We believe Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father to have tangible bodies of flesh and bones and the Holy Ghost to be a personage of spirit.  Though perfected and glorified, their physical appearance resembles ours — after all we were created “in their image” (see Genesis 1:27).

Of all the doctrine and theology Mormonism teaches, the most fundamental and central to our beliefs is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  All things “which pertain to our religion are only appendages” to it (as stated by Joseph Smith). The Atonement can be compared to the root of a tree with the branches of the tree representing all of the other doctrine and practices within the church.  Without its roots, or the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the branches would be of little value or substance.

The emphasis we place upon Jesus Christ is crucial in understanding who we are as a people.  He is our foundation and anchor in life.  All we do and practice has the purpose of drawing us back to Him through repentance and living better lives. Only through him can we be saved.  The title of our church professes our Christianity, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (we are commonly known as the “Mormon Church,” a nickname given to us).

Jesus Praying in Gethsemane.

We share our belief with other faiths as followers of Jesus Christ but we do not associate with Catholicism, Protestantism or the Eastern Orthodox religion.  Many religions descend from these traditional Christian churches but we are unique in that we claim God has restored – not reformed – his original church established by Jesus Christ during His mortal lifetime.  We believe God has brought back to earth his priesthood authority to act in His name through living, modern-day prophets. The nature of the Godhead, a belief in an open canon of scripture, and a covenant-making people are a few distinct differences that have come with the restored Church of Jesus Christ.  Though we love, respect, support, and stand side-by-side with other Christians of other faiths, we do not shy away from our beliefs and our claim that God has restored truth back to the earth.  It’s a poor comparison but I think of a frosted cake when explaining this.  As Christians, we all share the same foundation, a belief in the teachings and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ — that would be the cake.  But the frosting is what our church has to offer.  Something to add to what you already believe to make it even sweeter.

FAQ – Are Mormons Christian?

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