Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch

My Review:

I first came to this book in my mid to late twenties. Having seemingly lost all faith in everything around me. I was at a period in my life asking all the big questions but never seeming to get the answers. Then this book suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I read it, took on board the messages within and then life happened again, lessons learned were soon less important than what was going on externally around me.

Fast forward 20 years or so later and life had come full circle and still, the same things were dragging me now more than ever. No surprise up popped this book again. This re-read for me was more of an easing of my soul than a revelation. There comes a point in everyone’s life when certain things just do not seem to sit well with you anymore and you need to find another way of looking at things. The lessons relearnt will hopefully stay with me and help me see things from a different perspective than what I do now about the world around me and ultimately myself.

I do honestly with all my heart and soul believe the dialogue between Neale and GOD to be genuine. Of course, there will be many that say this is just the workings of a great imagination to make a profit, like all those who have gone before him. That in itself may be true but if you read this book you get a sense of self and you know yourself what is true and what is false if you feel it within yourself.

People may think you have to be religious to read this and the other books in the series but that is not the case. I had lost my belief in GOD the first time I read the book, for me it was a case of GOD saying to me through the book, you may have lost your faith but I am right here…see here I am. I am far from a religious person as you can ever get but I believe in something bigger than myself.

If you have ever questioned what life is about and you have an open mind to the possibilities of what all this that we call life could possibly mean, then you may just enjoy and even learn something. If you check the book out after reading this review then I am glad, if you read this review and think it is a load of hogwash then I am also glad. We are all individuals and we all have to travel our own paths, either choice is the right one for you.

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