Cover Reveal: Silver Edge by Ciara Knight

Title: Silver Edge

Author: Ciara Knight

Genre: NA Contemporary Romance

Publisher: Entangled

Expected Release Date: Feb. 20th, 2017

Hosted by: Lady Amber’s




All I’ve ever wanted is to fit in.
But no one can ever see past how weird I am. Bright lights? Can’t stand them. Loud noises? Definitely sends me over the edge. And touching? Forget about it.

At least, until I met Drake.

From the moment I walked into that nightclub, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.
And when Drake touched me, it didn’t send me into a tailspin of sensations that I
couldn’t stand. It actually felt…nice. Like something I could get used to. And it doesn’t
hurt that he’s probably the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.

But now someone wants to close the club down. And since I promised Drake that I’d
help him keep it open, I’m going to have to find a way to tap into whatever that inner
strength thing is that everyone always talks about. And fast. But what happens if I can’t?

Author Bio:

Ciara Knight writes with a ‘Little Edge and a Lot of Heart’ with her contemporary and paranormal romance books. Her most recent #1 Amazon bestselling series, Sweet water County, has topped the charts and received acclaimed reviews. Her international best-seller, Pendulum scored 4 stars from RT Book Reviews, accolades from In D’Tale Magazine and Night Owl Top Pick. Her young adult paranormal series, Battle for Souls,received 5 stars from Paranormal Romance Guild and Night Owl’s Top Pick, among other praises.








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