Dirty John, etc (preview)


For those who know me, either in person or through this blog, you know I’ve been delving in to the story of a woman who’s older sister Cindy was murdered by her husband.

You know that I’m so curious about the dynamics between a sociopath and its prey-–a beautiful, successful, educated, popular woman from an upstanding family who walked right in to a trap--that I’m writing a book about these things to, perhaps primarily, help me to understand them on a very personal level.

You know that finding meaning in these terrible traumatic events, and their ripple effect, has been a driving force in my life and my writing life.

How a man can walk right in to a woman’s life–a woman who seemingly has everything going for her--and take control so hard that it leads to grave danger, and ultimately homicide. These are the things I have contemplated for years now.

You know that understanding the back story of the crimes, the effect on a sister, and the origins of the victim’s choices, are subjects that I’ve sunk my teeth in to since I began this blog.

For those unfamiliar to me or my blog, you may think I’m referencing the Podcast Dirty John and its female protagonist, Debra Newell, as well as her sister Cindi, who was murdered by her husband.

Debra ran in to, perhaps her own worse nightmare —a sociopath— much later in life after her sister was murdered.

Many crimes were committed. Some by Debra herself, albeit not in the legal realm.

I have listened to this podcast twice now. It is hitting me on so many levels, I’ve lost count.

Of course you regular readers and friends know I am not referencing Debra Newell here I’m referring to my own older sister Cindy, who was murdered by a sociopath–who walked right in to her own trap, with her own warnings and red flags (although not nearly to the level that Debra Newell was privy to).

Dateline is airing a one hour episode highlighting the Dirty John/Debra Newell story tonight. I will be watching and I have a lot to say about it, but don’t want to reveal any spoilers, so will wait.

If you want to catch up on this story, here is the link from the LA Times. 

Let me just say that there are many victims in this terrible tale, some of whom are not who they would like you to think. There are also heroes, some of whom seem to not be recognized in this most recent telling of events (but I’ll wait and see before confirming that). There are also family dynamics that make my own web of history seem like a cakewalk in comparison. Sad and sick generational dynamics, that literally led to two murders, in my opinion. Not in the sociopath’s family, but the victims’.

Stay tuned, as I have a lot to say, and it will be coming soon.





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