Embrace the Mess

“Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.”
– Hugh Mackay

There is a New Moon in Libra tonight. Libra rules our most intimate relationships and partnerships as well as enemies, harmony, balance, marriage, decision-making and justice.

The 2 of Cups is a very good fit for the energy of the day, even if the astrological correspondence for this card has nothing to do with Libra. This first decan Cancer card does relate to close relationships though, and serves as a reminder to value your intimate connections by cherishing and nurturing them.

Today is also Diwali, as it happens, the great Hindu festival of lights. All in all, this might just be the celestial push some of us need to decide whom to part with as well as whom to partner up with for future success.

The Moon is in direct opposition to Uranus, so expect the unexpected and don’t be dismayed if you get pulled off-balance. Sometimes we need to fall down in order to gain a better perspective of where we need to go next…

Embrace the messiness of life and intimate relationships!


Card of the Day – 2 of Cups

Zodiac – Venus in Cancer
Archangels – Anael and Gabriel
Crystals – Rose Quartz and Pearl

Deck used: Hallmark Tarot

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