Fantastic story by Courtney Walsh!

I absolutely love Courtney Walsh’s new book, Hometown Girl.  I did not want the story to end.  The author has a distinctive way of dealing with very difficult topics in loving ways.  She does not sugar coat the issue, try to hide it or gloss over it.  Her characters deal with the situations head on and learn about themselves and their Creator in the process.

The characters in Hometown Girl are easy to relate to and you quickly come to care about them and what happens to them in the story.  There is a depth to them that makes them feel real.  When they are happy, you are happy too; when they are sad, you are sad.  These are the kinds of characters that you find yourself praying for and then laughing when you realize what you’re doing.

Ms. Walsh tackles some really difficult topics in this story…topics that not only cause you to feel for the characters, but also cause you to stop and evaluate your life and where God is calling you to have courage and make some changes.  She does an amazing job of weaving in some lighthearted, funny scenes that have you laughing out loud and enjoying the characters.

If you enjoy contemporary romance stories that are authentic and real, this story is for you.  I’m already looking forward to her next book.  And I’m really hoping that this heroine’s sister and brother get stories of their own in the future!


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