Fast Times @ RWA Nationals 2017

If you missed the tweets and FB posts, I spent the last week in Orlando, FL, at the Swan & Dolphin Disney Resort have a blast at the 2017 RWA National Convention!!!

Here are a few highlights…

I roomed with my author friends (and A-Game Team) Nicole Flockton & Tracy Goodwin. They made this year especially fun, sharing laughs and workshops and ideas. xoxo

I truly enjoyed seeing friends old and new…from TWRP and Entangled, my FRW adopted chapter, my ARWA home chapter, and my FF&P and CRW online chapters, AOAD customers, friends from prev conferences, and especially my FF&P mentees, Linda Schad & Tina Canon. I’ve truly found my people.

I was hugely honored to have placed 2nd in the FF&P PRISM awards with my paranormal romance novella, Her Demigod Complex. Congrats to Kathy Lyons on her well-deserved win (I devoured that book). I also had a lot of fun helping (errrr if you call what I was doing helping) with the tech for the awards.

I felt like my”Org Your Writing Life” workshop went well and loved the format. The 20/20 was a cool change up–more intimate and allowing me more time to answer lots of questions.

I attended terrific workshops. I particularly enjoyed Virginia Kantar’s workshop on Emotion and Damon’s Suede‘s on Power Couples. Damon Suede you are the boss! Head swimming with wonderful ideas to go rock on latest WIP.

I snapped my 3rd annual conference pic with my author idol Rebecca Zanetti – Author. (2015 on FRW cruise, 2016 @ RT, and now 2017 @ RWA) It’s become a part my conferences. Like sports stars with their streaks.

It was also hugely cool to see my Authors On A Dime stuff around (book covers, banners, postcards, hand sanitizer, etc.) Seriously…really fun in an oddly fan girl kind of way. Hope you each loved your swag!

Rounding it all out with a little Epcot and Magic Kingdom was just the cream cheese icing on my red velvet cake.

I flew home late Sunday night and slept most of the day yesterday. Now back to real life (and applying all those workshop notes to my latest WIP).

A huge thank you to RWA and all the volunteers who ran the conference. You guys are amazing!

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