Five books I got from the Brooklyn Book Festival 

I’m currently reading about 4 books. I have at least 100 unread ones in my library. So a few weeks back I told my self. ‘Don’t buy any more till you’ve read all you have.’ After that pep talk, I thought me, myself, and I were in agreement but I guess I was wrong.
My mistake was attending the Brooklyn Book Festival at Borough Hall yesterday; I ended up leaving with a bag of books. I have good reason too. Check out the list of the top five books I got and you’ll not have the heart to blame me…

1. Arms from the Sea by Rich Shapero:

I got this beautiful hard cover book because it was handed out to me. ‘ Would you like an adventure novel?’ No thanks was my response. ‘ I’m giving you for free.’ Rain check. What sort of adventures are you talking about? I asked her. Truth be told, I don’t read adventure ( apart from the Famous Five I binged on before I became a teenager ) but there’s always a first time… I took the book but the Nigerian in me had to ask why it’s free. Nothing goes for nothing especially in this society. It’s part of our marketing strategy she explained. So I received it with thanks and so far have smelt it ( because new books smell great. Show of hands if you agree:)) , browsed through the pages and I’ve had a quick look the synopsis: The book is about a man Lyle- tired of life- who gulps down poison and ends up in a supernatural realm. Reminds me of Amos Tutuola’s The Palmwine Drinkard…

2. French Women Don’t get fat is a second hand book that caught my eye while I was trying to leave the festival.

Story line: French girl visits  America and returns home to France, fat. A family doctor teaches her how to eat pastry, bread and all the good things a girl can eat. And not get fat. I’d like to read this bit. Besides I hear it’s hilarious and I love humour. All is well that ends well, basically.

3. The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien ( part 1 ) was my get one free.

Two months back, my friend spent a significant amount of time talking about the book’s opening pages. I said I was finally going to watch the movie because I had Game of Thrones withdrawal symptoms. How was I to live without dragons, several kings, wannabe queens and the constant reminder that ‘Winter is Coming?’ Another motion film product of a book that was reportedly similar to GOT author seemed like a plan. She told me to scratch that; the book was far better. I wouldn’t argue with that. I’d read somewhere once, ‘Read a good book before Hollywood destroys it.’ I’ll try but something tells me I’ll watch the movie before I finish the ‘Lord of the Rings’ novel.

4. I spent a little more money on the Bible Year book for Children: This is a small children’s Bible by Ernest Nister and it is vintage stuff.

Nister was a London based German publisher in the 19th Century. This book – like many he published back then- is well Calligraphed with lithographic pictures set in some select pages. If fact, I’m told that with a magnifying glass, I can actually see the stone markings. I bought it because they have well selected biblical verses that are great to Meditate on. But I own several bibles so I’ll have to share the primary truth: It is old and it would be great to own an antique.

5. The first edition of Life of the Lord by Charles Dickens: was published post humously .

The manuscript was apparently found a few years after dear Charles died. My latest acquisition has these words across the second page ,

 Written for his children during the years 1846-1849 by Charles Dickens and now first published 1934 Simon and Schuster.

This is the stuff world class libraries boast of. I’m pretty excited to have it; worth every penny spent. ‘It’s a rare find,’ the elderly man who sold it to me said. I agree with him.

I sat in for one of  many industry discussions but most of my time at the festival was spent visiting and talking with people at different book industry stands. I stopped by at the Paris Review stand and even got to pen down a quick story where the One Story crew was set up.

All in all, it was a good day.

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