Friday, January 12th 2018… Mushroom Risotto

In continuation from the Snowpocalypse dinner, I made several other things. For a bit of starch, I decided to make a Risotto dish since I have some arborio rice on hand. This Mushroom Risotto was pretty easy and straight forward.  I chopped a cup of mushrooms along side half an onion and a couple of cloves of garlic. Sauteed until soft in a pan then dropped the arborio rice in. I browned them for about a minute before I pour about 1 cup of chicken stock in.

I let the rice absorbed the stock before adding more. The key to risotto is a constant pain in the butt… I mean, constant stirring. This will allow you to develop that nice creamy consistency thanks to the disturbed starch (from constant stirring) from the pasta. Anyway, I used about 6 cups of liquid in total, 4 chicken stock and 2 cups of regular water for 1 1/4 cups of arborio rice.

Actually not super sure how much liquid, but add more water until your pasta is cooked and creamy looking. I then added about 1 1/2 cups of shredded Parmesan cheese. Feel free to add any that you have on hand or prefer. The end result is this.

I feel that the dish needs a green color to offset all the brownness, so I chopped several green onions I have leftover in the fridge.

The result is perfection in a pan.

LOOK at that beautifully creamy and perfectly slightly al dente pasta! The cheese elevates this risotto. A slight nutty bite and the earthiness from that mushroom… So Super Good guys! It’s the cheese, but I’ll give credit to myself HAHA….

Anyhow… that’s it for this Mushroom Risotto. If you haven’t seen it, check out my Beef Stew and Sauteed Broccoli that accompanied this So Good Risotto.

Here’s the rest of the things C got to eat today…

XO – T


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