Happy new year! A few days late, but oh well.
Last year was crazy! I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year’s, and is ready for some new reads.
As a recap for 2017, I managed to read 55,725 pages in 141 books. My goal was 55,000 pages. This year I’ve upped it to 60,000. So far so good, even if I have no new posts to show for it (I’m finishing a series, bear with me).
Blog wise, I ended the year with 44 followers, and viewers from 27 countries. Fingers crossed that numbers keep growing!
If you’re interested in knowing more about me, you can always follow my Instagram account @lcmatsuzaki. Loki has his own too, @lokimusmaximus
Thanks for sticking with us!
Question of the month: what’s your 2018 reading goal?
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