How Do You Want To Feel For 2018 – Let These 101 Core Desired Feelings Inspire You

Let This List Inspire You

So Beautiful, how do you want to feel ~ for the new year, for this week, for today? You get to decide.

Everything that you strive to achieve is for the feeling that you’ll have when you get there.

Why not flip it for a little while. Instead of chasing “that thing” or the “goal, nourish the feeling that you’re after, and let everything else fall into place.

It’s a whole new way to rework “new year’s resolutions”. Set an intention to feel how you want to feel and let the rest catch up with you.

Here are 101 Core Desired Feelings For 2018 

I hope these inspire you on your journey.

Live Well & Keep Creating!

(Intuitive Guide)

Image Source Credit: | @sasint


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