When her smiles it will look beautiful sparkle dazzling, more beautiful than diamond de beers.


She is an embodiment of different, indifferent nature. Her face was as calm as the lake of unexpected depth for anyone. Her is the proof why the statue of the Venus goddess is always adored in her silence, perhaps she is not the most beautiful creation of god but she is the most mysterious at least to me.

Behind her red lips are like an Australian apple stuck to the tongue like a bayonet army ready to slice off the ears. Words are just a game for her beautiful voice. Not rough, not soft, not hard, not crunchy only short and bitter. The defense as strong as the fortress of Constantinople actually adds to her appeal.

When her smiles it will look beautiful sparkle dazzling, more beautiful than diamond de beers. But because of the preciousness that so rarely does it, for me, the period is even longer than the cycle passing Halley’s comet through the earth. I do not want to miss a single chance to see it.

Originally ordinary, which man likes women with sharp eyes? It’s possible, but a strange man of course. So why? It’s all because of a dream. Somehow I could dream of her in a deep night of silence.

Feeling jerks, because according to Fritz Paris “Dreams … It is a message from and for yourself.” O woman of Venus manifestation, please go back to Greece, why do you tease me from this tropical country, how can I not stand it?

As a result, the whole body feels different, the heart feels “rock on roll” by just remembering her name. Feeling the body becomes strange, memory in the head always remember her face, seemed to have left if not yet met her. Behind the iron mask and the armor I wore felt this chest vibrate greatly.

Is this the name Love? I do not know because it’s been a whole new life now experiencing this. Where’s the mental steel I have been proud of? Why melt when you meet her. What a mess! It feels and feels overlapped. I want but also shy, I am brave but also afraid.

Where should I look for answers? All the books that have been read do not explain it. Experience nil, ask also embarrassed. Then I tell you.

When her smiles it will look beautiful sparkle dazzling, more beautiful than diamond de beers.

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