I remember a faded Kaleidoscope sky
The day I found out my happiness died
The Nightingale sings such strange lullabies
When rainbows become extinct from the eye

The stench of stale wine grew rank on her breath
Under moonlight, I wept, over dreams of your death
My anger screamed in harmony to a lone Wolf’s howl
Best beware sweet revenge when she’s on the prowl

She snuck around town like a jewel thief
As I bled in my dreams for such cruelty
Her chill strangles my warmth, I relent to its shiver
As she takes for granted, her constant forgiver

I yearn just one more day in your presence
Though I am blessed with inherited love
When birds sing, they speak of your essence
While you dance with sweet angels above

© Wendy Phelan – 2 January 2018
Public Image by – Google
Dedicated to my beloved Grandmother, Dorothy Madeliene Hartt

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