Kit’s Crit: Fallen Women (Sandra Dallas)

Fallen Women (Sandra Dallas)

At the start of 1885, a wealthy New York socialite – Beret Osmundsen – discovers that her estranged sister Lillie was recently murdered in a Denver brothel.  Beret immediately makes her way to her aunt’s house in the Mile-High City, and joins forces with the local detective to solve the case.  Then two other prostitutes are brutally killed and it seems like a serial killer may be stalking the tenderloin district.  But in an unexpected turn of events, things move much closer to home than Beret could ever have anticipated.

Sandra Dallas uncovers the seedy side of Denver, on both sides of the tracks.  Nothing – and no one – is as they first seem.  This mystery thriller keeps the reader guessing what terrible secrets will be uncovered next.  My only reservation is that the beautiful pacing throughout the majority of the novel loses traction at the end and rushes to a quick conclusion.  Nevertheless, Fallen Women is still an enjoyable read that raises fascinating ethical questions regarding family ties, loyalties, perceptions, and obligations.

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