Lee Ann Marino’s Review Of: The Promises Of God Spiritual Checkbook

The Promises of God Spiritual Checkbook

By: Abigail Lawrence


  • Paperback: 126 pages
  • Publisher: Righteous Pen Publications (February 1, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1940197457
  • ISBN-13: 978-1940197456
  • Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.3 x 8 inches


What I like most about this book is that it is exactly what it sounds like: a little book perfect for remembering the promises of God in your own life and discovering a new way to remember how to apply them. Abigail Lawrence wrote this book based on a teaching of her husband’s that teaches how to apply God’s promises in life just in the same way that we would write out checks.

By looking at several key aspects of spiritual life, including remembering the spiritual things of God, coming to Christ, the difference between salvation and application of God’s promises, a clear-cut comparison (with illustrations) between checkbooks and check writing and spiritual promises, and a complete reference listing of over 500 Biblical promises that are there for believers to embrace and receive in their own lives.

Sometimes writers try too hard to make the concepts of God sound difficult so they can sound smart. This often causes potential readers to shy away, as they don’t think they’ll be able to understand the concepts. This book doesn’t do that. It’s readable, understandable, and something that everyone, from the newest believer to the most advanced believer, can gain from reading. The practical illustration of a checkbook is understandable to most readers, and is even explained for those who might not be familiar with check writing. It is also 5×8 size, meaning it is the perfect book for evangelism distribution, to take along with you in a purse or bag, or even keep in the front or back of your Bible for handy reference.

I look forward to seeing future writings from Abigail Lawrence, as it’s obvious she has a lot to offer us in the world of Christian writing.

Book is available at: https://www.amazon.com/Promises-God-Spiritual-Checkbook/dp/1940197457/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486410766&sr=8-1&keywords=abigail+lawrence


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