Life On Mars

Life On Mars

by Jon Agee

June 2017

This. Book. It’s amazing, hilarious and clever. My older son, Lemon (side note, that’s not his real name, but I wanted to preserve some privacy for the boy, and my husband and I actually use it as a code name), picked this book out at the library. I’d never heard of it and didn’t read it before checking it out, so I got the best surprise when I read it. This book is a must read. It is fun for children and downright hilarious for the adult reading it. I’m an instant fan of Agee and I really hope he’s written other books (just looked it up . . .he’s written a ton . . .awesome). The illustrations are simple and pleasing, yet dynamic, enhancing the story and giving it a layer of complexity which adds to it’s humor.

Life On Mars is about an adventurous little boy who flies to Mars hoping to find life. He knows he’s right and he’s determined to prove it.

Before long he realizes he was wrong after all and that there is no life on Mars. And even worse, he’s lost his spaceship. But is he wrong?

There is life (more than he thinks)! He happily returns to earth to show the flower as proof of life on Mars. There’s also a clever side story about a chocolate cupcake which is amazing!

Summing it up: I highly recommend this book for young and old and hope you can get a copy to read really soon!

All the best, Abbey

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