March TBR!

Hello, hello!

How’s your week been going, hopefully it’s been good so far. Since it’s March now I decided that I would join the monthly TBR squad. For those of you who don’t know TBR stands for To Be Read! Now I’ve never done this ‘officially’ before, I’ve only ever made mental lists. But I thought why not, let’s give it a go! I’m just going to get into it because I’ve got some homework that’s sitting on the counter waiting for me…

And before you ask, yes I am using this as a way to procrastinate. But I bet that there’s someone out there reading this that is also using this to procrastinate. So I’ll make you a deal. Once we both finish this, we’ll go work on what ever it is we are putting off. Deal? Good, let’s do this!

Okay first off we have Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon! I’ve previsouly read the first two books a little while back and absolutely loved them! I have yet to purchase the last two books in the series because no matter how much I look I can’t seem to find them in the bookstore. So soon I will hopefully be adding them to my shopping cart.

Since this is the second book in the series I won’t be summarizing it because then I would give spoilers to those that haven’t read the first book Doon. But that note I will be summarizing the first book.

Alright so Doon is written in dual personalities of the main characters Veronica and Mackenna. One summer the two best friends hop on a plane to Alloway, Scotland. Yes it takes place in Scotland! Now this is after Veronica starts to have visions where she is seeing a boy in a kilt, which later Mackenna pet names ‘Kilt Boy’. One day when they are going through some old things of MacKenna’s aunt, they stumble across two rings, with a note attached that says that they will take them to a mythical land called Doon. Okay the note didn’t exactly say that but you get the idea. Veronica has a gut feeling that this land exist and she is determined to prove it, Mackenna on the other hand is skeptical. To quiet down Veronica’s wild imagination, she agrees to give the rings a go and see what they do. Expecting for nothing to happen, they cross the Brig O’ Doon with the rings upon their fingers and happen across the mystifying land of Doon. Could this be where ‘Kilt Boy’ had been beckoning her to go, was he here, was he even real?

I will link the actual description at the end of the post as well as the link to the books, as well as all that info for the other books I have in my TBR as well!

Next up we have Cinder by Marissa Meyer! Wherever I watch book recommendation videos , this one always comes up. I see it in the bookstore with the little sticker saying this is so-so book of choice. Do you know those stickers? Ahh maybe not. Anyway I thought it was about time that I pick up this book and give it a go. Now I’m not a major sci-fi fan, but I do stumble across a show or a movie or book that is sci-fi that I really enjoy. So why not give it a go?

This book is about a cyborg named Cinder. Cyborg! Hell yeah! Now she is a second-class citizen with a troubled past, step-mom issues, and a talented mechanie. Suddenly she’s in the middle of an intergalactic grapple after she meets Prince Kai. But here’s the part that really got me hooked this line right here “there is something unusual about Cinder, something that other’s would kill for” OH YESSSSSSSSS! Very excited to read this one, I’m really into the dystopian fantasy books!

Okay okay, next up we have Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. This one is also a sci-fi book along with the first two books in this trilogy. The thing that I love about these books is that in each one they follow two different main characters! But they all take place in the same world and they all link up! Also the covers for these books are gorgeous!

Their Fractured Light follows around two characters Gideon Marchant aka the Knave of Hearts and underworld hacker, and Sofia Quinn a con artist that’s filled with charisma, who can infiltrate any stronghold. In an partner ship that makes walking on eggshells seem easy. They have a chance to take down LaRoux Industries, a corrupted corporation that has done more harm then good, but can they do it??? Oooo, I’m pumped!! I’m excited for this one because I just think the character are going to be so much fun to read about and I can’t wait to see how the end of these books come to an end!

Alright, last but not least we have Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus.I got this book a while ago actually along with one other at a blind book date. That’s what you call it right, Blind Book Date? Anyway, Blind Book Dates are when the book is wrapped up like a present with a little description on the front telling what the book is about.

It’s set in Germany! I REPEAT, IT’S SET IN GERMANY! How cool is that? Also I’m very thankful that I kept the description sheet so I can see why I chose the book in the first place. Also it’s nice for you guys to see too! So because there is already a description provided in the photo above I’m just going to leave it at that.

Thank you so much for reading and stayed tuned for my March Wrap-up!

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Book Links: Doon, Cinder, Their Fractured Light, Snow White Must Die

From me to you xx!

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