MINI REVIEWS: Love & Misadventures and The Creeps

TITLE: Love & Misadventure 
AUTHOR: Lang Leav
ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: Poetry about love sprinkled with the author’s artwork.
GENRE: Poetry

I did not like this book. I thought I would, but halfway through the book I couldn’t stop cringing. Overall, the poetry is pretty bad, there’s nothing special about. They’re super short poems in case you have a short attention span and like to waste paper. The poems are generic love poems without much substance so it feels like you can relate, however, and maybe it’s just me, but I like seeing some vulnerability and intimacy in poetry. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say a fourteen year old girl who has fallen in love for the first time wrote this. I have nothing against teenage girls because I was one, but because I was one (with her own poetry phase) I know how bad poetry writing can be.

TITLE: The Creeps: A Dark Deep Collection 
AUTHOR: Fran Krause
ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: A collection of comic strips and stories about fears.
GENRE: Graphic Novel | Non-Fiction
NOTE: I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

I decided to get this book because I wanted a collection of scary stories to get ready for Halloween next October, but I’m not sure this is what I was looking for.

I was expecting truly creepy and scary stories, and while they were all valid fears, it’s not what I was looking for. I would say that these were odd fears people have, but because they were so specific, I couldn’t relate to all them, and therefore not as scary as I was hoping for.

So, these are not the ghost stories I was looking forward to, but they’re fun nonetheless. The illustrations were also more on the fun side than the creepy side, but it was good. It’s a quick read and fun, but not that creepy.

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